My clients’ health & safety are top priorities. Accordingly, the following covid-19 protocols and procedures are in place:

  • Your instructor will wear a mask during your session; it is optional for you to wear one
  • Only private sessions (no duets) will be scheduled until further notice
  • All sessions will be spaced 15 minutes apart – allowing for cleaning time, and to make sure only one client is in the studio at a time
  • Between each client, all equipment, door knobs, bathroom, etc. will be sanitized
  • Reformers have been equipped with vinyl covers for the hand & foot straps so that they can be sanitized easily between clients
  • Anyone who has signs of illness will be asked to reschedule
  • A HEPA filter will be running the entire session and all windows open to allow for lots of air flow

Thank you for your cooperation.

Intelligent exercise. Profound results.


What is Pilates, why should I do it and how the heck do I pronounce it?
Unlike big hair in the 80’s, it’s no trend!

Pilates is here to stay. Brought to the United States by Joseph Pilates in 1923, the Pilates method continues to increase in popularity among both men and women looking to achieve muscular balance, increased joint mobility, improved posture, and ease of movement.

Chiropractors and physical therapists will often recommend Pilates to their clients because they know how effective it can be at safely regaining, maintaining and increasing strength and stability. But they’re not the only ones who know the value of Pilates; Olympians, pro athletes, models, actors, and dancers all understand what Pilates can do for their bodies. These people can’t afford to become injured and need to be at the top of their game.

You’re probably not concerned with winning the Super Bowl, or dancing in the Nutcracker, but wouldn’t it be nice to feel like you could?

Is Pilates for everyone?

Yes, I believe it is. Although many athletes swear by Pilates, you don’t have to be one to reap those same rewards. Pilates is beneficial to people at all different levels of physical fitness. Whether you’re an NBA star, a student athlete or a grandmother, you will benefit from Pilates.

Small Changes = Big Results

Pilates will help you to increase proprioception, or the awareness of where your body is in space. Before you know it, you’ll begin automatically adjusting your posture while sitting (or standing) at your desk, be amazed at how less often you bump into things, and notice your incredible balance as you stand on the tips of your toes while reaching up to that top shelf .

This body awareness will not only help you improve in every other activity or sport you do, but also help you make small changes in how you sit, stand, and walk, which can have a huge impact on the quality of your life.

Pilates is about precision and control. man on reformer

Just like water, electricity and Google Maps, our bodies want to take the path of least resistance. There are obvious benefits to this, but not when it comes to creating strength and balance.

Pilates’ exercises may look deceivingly simple, but they require great precision and control. A well-trained instructor will help you make small adjustments in your form which can be the difference between “I felt nothing” and “so that’s where my obliques are!”

A very small movement, if done correctly, can have a huge impact.

Throw away your SPANX!

Pilates will teach you how to engage and activate your deep intrinsic, stabilizer muscles – like the transverse abdominis,  essentially your body’s natural girdle. Why is that important? Because it is considered one of the most important abdominal muscles to prevent back pain or injury.

These underused and underdeveloped stabilizer muscles are often the leading cause of joint instability and injury. Being able to engage and strengthen these muscles properly, means we are less likely to injure ourselves when we decide to go out for a run, a bike ride, hit the heavy weights at the gym, or pick up that box UPS just left at our doorstep.

“The Pilates Method teaches you to be in control of your body and not at its mercy.” – Joseph Pilates


pilates toning ballExperience the  Benefits of Pilates:

* Core Strength and Stability
* Increased Flexibility and Balance
* Heightened Mind Body Awareness
* Injury Prevention
* Better Posture
* Improved Bone Density
* Enhance Athletic Performance
* Effective Post-Rehab Exercise
* Increased Self-Confidence

Pilates is about precision and control.
Just like water, electricity and Google Maps, our bodies want to take the path of least resistance. There are obvious benefits to this, but not when it comes to creating strength and balance in our bodies.

Pilates’ exercises may look deceivingly simple, but they require a degree of precision and control. A well-trained instructor will help you make small adjustments in your form which can be the difference between “I felt nothing” and “so that’s where my obliques are!”

A very small movement, if done correctly, can have a huge impact.

Pilates will help you to increase proprioception, or the awareness of where your body is in space.

This body awareness will not only help you improve in every other activity or sport you do, but also help you make small changes in how you sit, stand, and walk, which can have a huge impact on the quality of your life!

Throw away your SPANX!
While doing Pilates, you will learn to engage and activate your deep intrinsic, stabilizer muscles – like the transverse abdominis, essentially your body’s natural girdle. Why is that important?

Because the transverse abdominus is considered one of the most important abdominal muscles to prevent back pain or injury.

These underused and underdeveloped muscles are often the leading cause of joint instability and injury. Being able to engage and strengthen these muscles properly, means we are less likely to injure yourself when we decide to go out for a run, a bike ride, hit the heavy weights at the gym, or pick up that box UPS just left at our doorstep.

Everyone can benefit from Pilates.
Although many pro-athletes swear by Pilates, you don’t have to be one to reap those same rewards. Pilates is beneficial to people at all different levels of physical fitness. Whether you’re an NBA star or a grandmother, you will benefit from Pilates.

Experience the Benefits of Pilates:

  •   Core Strength and Stability
  •    Increased Flexibility and Balance
  •    Heightened Mind Body Awareness
  •    Injury Prevention
  •    Improved Bone Density
  •    Relief from Stress and Back Pain
  •    Better Posture
  •    Enhanced Athletic Performance
  •    Effective Post Rehabilitation
  •    Increased Self-Confidence


“I’ve tried many different forms of exercise throughout my life, but it wasn’t until I started practicing Pilates that I began to see a real difference in my body and how I moved.”
Jess Otoole

Jess O’Toole

In 2008, I fell in Love.

I discovered Pilates when a friend convinced me to try a Reformer session with her. At that point in my life, I had been doing a lot of weight-training, and yoga, so I didn’t think it would challenge me much. I was wrong and I was in love!

I’ve tried many different forms of exercise throughout my life, but it wasn’t until I started practicing Pilates that I began to see a real difference in my body and how I moved. 
I feel a very strong mind-body connection.

When I practice Pilates, I am focused on how my body is moving and engaging the correct muscles; everything else is left at the door. There is a concentration that goes into doing a movement correctly and a focus on quality over quantity. I love the elegance of Pilates and that it is gentle yet at the same time challenging. I love the control it has given me over my body. And I love what it’s done for my posture, my skiing, and my core. There’s really nothing else like it!

stott reformer

Why do I teach Pilates?

I never set out to be a teacher. I was a computer nerd who geeked out over technology. But, when I discovered Pilates, something clicked.

Yes, yoga is awesome and weight training is good for you (and I love both), but there’s something about the Pilates method that just makes sense. It’s taught me how to control and be aware of my body in a way I’ve never known.

With a consistent practice, Pilates will change how you move, and this is why I teach it. I’ve seen what it can do for people and I love being able to share that. If you’re ready, Pilates can help make permanent changes in how you look and feel for the rest of your life.

Jessica is a certified STOTT Pilates® Instructor, trained in mat, reformer and chair. Jessica also has extensive training and interest in working with people with osteopenia/osteoporosis, back pain and neurological conditions, such as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease.

Jessica has degrees in Psychology from Boston College and in Computer Science from WPI. You may be wondering how a Psych major turned Software Engineer began teaching Pilates. Interestingly, being a good Pilates teacher requires the same skill set as both a good psychologist and computer programmer. A great instructor needs to be a good listener, make people feel comfortable, and work well with individuals. At the same time, they should be able to problem-solve, decipher movement patterns, and create routines that help the body learn new patterns. Jessica is passionate about the Pilates method and how it can change bodies. She’d love to show you what Pilates can do – set up an appointment today!

Jessica’s certifications and trainings include

  • Pilates Mat, Reformer, and Stability Chair
  • Pilates for Neurological Conditions
  • Ultimate Back Care Pilates
  • STOTT Injuries and Special Population
  • Protocols of Osteoporosis
  • Hip and Knee Stabilization and Strengthening
  • Functional Anatomy & Biomechanics
  • Shoulder Stabilization in Rehabilitation

Jessica has been quoted in the following articles

Jess Otoole

Jess O’Toole


In 2008, I fell in Love.
I discovered Pilates in 2008 when a friend convinced me to try a Reformer session. I’ve tried many different forms of exercise, but it wasn’t until I started practicing Pilates that I began to see a real difference in my body and how I moved.  I love the elegance of Pilates and that it is gentle yet at the same time challenging. I love the control it has given me over my body. And I love what it’s done for my posture, my skiing, and my core. There’s really nothing else like it!

Why do I teach Pilates?
I never set out to be a teacher. I was a computer nerd who geeked out over technology. But, when I discovered Pilates, something clicked.

Yes, yoga is awesome and weight training is good for you (and I love both), but there’s something about the Pilates method that just makes sense. It’s taught me how to control and be aware of my body in a way I’ve never known.

With a consistent practice, Pilates will change how you move, and this is why I teach it. I’ve seen what it can do for people and I love being able to share that.

Jessica is a certified STOTT Pilates® Instructor, trained in mat, reformer and chair. Jessica also has extensive training and interest in working with people with osteopenia/osteoporosis, back pain and neurological conditions, such as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease.

Jessica has degrees in Psychology from Boston College and in Computer Science from WPI. You may be wondering how a Psych major turned Software Engineer began teaching Pilates. Interestingly, being a good Pilates teacher requires the same skill set as both a good psychologist and computer programmer. A great instructor needs to be a good listener, make people feel comfortable, and work well with individuals. At the same time, they should be able to problem-solve, decipher movement patterns, and create routines that help the body learn new patterns. Jessica is passionate about the Pilates method and how it can change bodies. She’d love to show you what Pilates can do – set up an appointment today!

Jessica’s certifications and trainings include

  • Pilates Mat, Reformer, and Stability Chair
  • Pilates for Neurological Conditions
  • Ultimate Back Care Pilates
  • STOTT Injuries and Special Population
  • Protocols of Osteoporosis
  • Hip and Knee Stabilization and Strengthening
  • Functional Anatomy & Biomechanics
  • Shoulder Stabilization in Rehabilitation

Jessica has been quoted in the following articles


Jessica is knowledgeable, thorough, and patient beyond belief! I wanted extra core work to help with my strength and conditioning workouts. I had never done Pilates, but after speaking to Jessica, I knew she was the right teacher for me.
I’ve come out of our sessions stronger, taller, more balanced, sturdier on my feet, and with much better posture! Thank you Jessica for helping me in so many different ways – and for laughing with me, not at me, when I struggled with some of those exercises!
Anne P.
I first went to Willow Tree Pilates with a running injury: a pain in my hip that I just couldn’t shake. The injury is long forgotten, but I have continued my weekly sessions with Jessica for several months now. I feel I have more balance and grace in my everyday life as a result of my Willow Tree workouts and instruction.
They say there are over 600 muscles in the human body, and Jessica knows every one of them. Furthermore, she is a virtual library of exercises for each — even the smallest, most underused ones. Her approach is low-key, encouraging, and good humored. Workouts with her are fun, even when they are challenging, and they always leave you surprised at what you’re capable of.
Floyd K.
I’ve been working with Jessica for several months now and have made huge progress increasing my core strength and flexibility.
When I started working with Jessica, I was pretty out of shape and intimidated by the idea of doing a Pilates session. Jessica’s approach was patient and kind and that really helped. I began to see results after only seven or eight weeks and was surprised by the changes I was feeling and seeing. I felt stronger, taller, more balanced, and no longer had lower back pain at the end of my day. I’m so glad I found Jessica!
Julie B.


The studio is open for scheduled appointments only. Please contact the studio for availability.

STOTT Reformers


Pilates Equipment

STOTT Stability Chair

Stability Chair


Cardio-Tramp Rebounder

The Pilates Reformer, allows you to push or pull against resistance provided by your bodyweight and variable weight springs, while working to maintain stability and postural alignment.  The variable weight springs allow for progressive resistance, which helps to lengthen and strengthen the muscles. Joints are not stressed and deep core muscles engage in a whole new way.

The Mini Stability Ball will bring instability to your movements, switching on your deep stabilizing muscles. The weighted Toning Balls will increase intensity, bring awareness to shoulder girdle stability and help to tone your entire body. The Fitness Circle will increase proprioceptive awareness while adding resistance to exercises.

The Split-Pedal Stability Chair (with handles) is a multi-functional Pilates machine that helps you achieve upper- and lower-body strength while enhancing stability and improving body control. Ideal for rehab clients or those who need to stay in a seated or upright position, but can also facilitate high-performance exercises for athletes and fitness enthusiasts.

The Cardio-Tramp Rebounder easily transforms the Reformer into a unique Pilates cardiovascular machine. This versatile tool provides a soft landing surface and allows for plyometric activity for extended periods of time, increasing workout potential for all exercisers – from post-rehab to elite athletes.

Willow Tree Pilates is a calm, distraction-free home studio where you will receive personalized instruction. You will enjoy a private, boutique studio experience where you can focus on your session.

Your session will be tailored to address your individual needs, help you to move better and feel more confident in your body. Hundreds of different exercises can be done on the Reformer to promote length, strength, flexibility, and balance. We have many different exercise props to use during your lesson, along with the Cardio-Tramp and Jumpboard which can add cardio to your workout  as well.


The Pilates Reformer, allows you to push or pull against resistance provided by your bodyweight and variable weight springs, while working to maintain stability and postural alignment.  Joints are not stressed and deep core muscles engage in a whole new way.

STOTT Reformer


During your session, we may use small equipment, or props, such as the Mini Stability Ball, weighted Toning Balls, Fitness Circle, Flex Bands or Arc Barrel. All of these can be used to help maintain proper alignment and increase proprioceptive awareness while also adding resistance to exercises.

Pilates Equipment

STOTT Stability Chair

The Split-Pedal Stability Chair (with handles) is a multi-functional Pilates machine that helps you achieve upper- and lower-body strength while enhancing stability and improving body control. Ideal for rehab clients or those who need to stay in a seated or upright position.

Stability Chair


The Cardio-Tramp Rebounder easily transforms the Reformer into a unique Pilates cardiovascular machine. This versatile tool allows for plyometric activity for extended periods of time, increasing workout potential for all exercisers – from post-rehab to elite athletes.

Cardio-Tramp Rebounder



Please provide us with at least 24 hours notice should you need to re-schedule or cancel your appointment. We do charge in full for cancellations made within 24 hours and for missed appointments. You can cancel by calling or texting: 978.272.0202 or by emailing:


Clothing should be form fitting, if possible; too loose or baggy make it more difficult to see if alignment is correct. Please check that clothing is free of zippers or metal buttons as they can damage the reformer. For sanitary reasons, please wear non-slip socks. Toe socks with grips on the bottom are best.


Please feel free to pull up and park in the driveway when coming in for your scheduled session. During inclement weather, we will ensure that the driveway and walkway are sanded or free of snow and ice. If you choose to park on the street, we cannot guarantee the road will be clear and it could be icy.


Payment is expected at the time of the appointment or in advance of your appointment. Willow Tree Pilates accepts both cash and checks, and also major credit and debit cards.


As Willow Tree Pilates is a home studio, we leave this up to you. During inclement weather, if you are not comfortable driving in poor conditions, please call to cancel without penalty.


In order to help us maintain a focused and peaceful environment, we ask that you refrain from using cell phones and setting them to silent or vibrate during your session.


What is the difference and which is right for me?

Private classes are all about you! We become a team working together on your fitness goals. A combination of balance, strength, & flexibility in every lesson. Improve posture, cross train for your chosen sport, or even work around injuries.

Private sessions are a good fit for you if:

  • You have specific needs and goals in mind and desire the continual one-on-one guidance and focused attention of a certified instructor.
  • You are recovering from an injury or have a physical condition or limitation that requires specialized attention and care.
  • You travel and/or you foresee your attendance being irregular.

While there is no substitute for expert, personal attention, the next best thing is semi-private, duet training.

You and a friend will be able to train together at a discounted rate, without sacrificing all of the benefits of a one-on-one session. This is the perfect option if you and a friend are working on complementary goals, or have a synced-up training schedule.

Partner training can bring out the best in you, keeping you on your toes and accountable to your commitments. Team up with a friend, family member, partner or co-worker and share the fun – with the added benefit of lowering your cost.

If you have a training partner already, great! If not, we will try and partner you with another individual who has similar Pilates experience, fitness level and goals. Both of you will benefit from the support of training with a partner.

Duet sessions are a good fit for you if:

  • You and your partner are of similar levels and have similar fitness goals.
  • You and your partner have similar schedules and both plan on consistent session attendance.
  • You and your partner are looking for a private setting as opposed to a larger group class or studio with other classes occurring simultaneously.

Book your first session now!


Your First Session
Every body is different.

Your session will be personalized for you and your body. During your first session, we will talk about your goals and complete a postural analysis.

The postural analysis is a static posture assessment where I will be examining your posture in a standing position from the front, back and sides. This will allow me to program exercises specifically for your body.
My goal is to not only help you reach your fitness goals, but to also make sure you leave here feeling wonderful.

  • Please review our studio policies before your first session
  • Please wear comfortable, form-fitting workout clothing, free from zippers and metal buttons as they can damage the equipment
  • For safety and sanitary reasons, we do require non-slip socks which are available for purchase
  • Feel free to bring a water bottle and towel
  • Remove your shoes before entering the studio area
  • Turn off or mute your cell phone
  • Notify me of any injuries or medical conditions – this helps me know how to assist you and give you modifications
  • Have fun!
Exercise without intimidation.

Whatever your fitness level, age, or exercise background, Willow Tree Pilates is a welcoming environment where you can focus on self-improvement. I am inspired by my clients’ success; when you feel good, I feel good.

Book your first session now!


All sessions are by appointment only.

Willow Tree Pilates offers both private and duet sessions.

Duet 5-Session Package
$60per person per session
  • Five Semi-Private Sessions
  • 55 minutes each
  • *payment of $300 due at time of booking
Private 5-Session Package
$90per session
  • Five Private Sessions
  • 55 minutes each
  • *payment of $450 due at time of booking
Single Private Session
$95per session
  • 1 Private Session
  • 55 minutes
  • *payment required at time of booking


Contact the studio to discuss setting up your first appointment.

*Please note, there is currently a waitlist for appointments after 5:00pm


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Have a question or want to book an appointment?  Call, text or send me a message, I’d love to hear from you!
*Studio is open Monday – Friday for scheduled appointments only


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